PTD 2018

The second year of PTD in 2018 began with choosing the right candidate for our help. This year, we decided to help a small sick girl – Kačenka.

In the company of Prima TV, we and her family visited and officially invited her to Pilsen on the track.

Recall the poster and program II. year PTD2018:

Trucks could ride on a flat track on Friday. We did not know, however, that almost 70 cars will appear on Friday. It was the first sign that PTD2018 would be a much bigger event in the future.

Friday afternoon was in the spirit of great preparations for Saturday. We also organized a “promotional” trip in Pilsen, where several trucks rode a Saturday ride to attract the attention of people moving around the city center, thanks to which they could enjoy the Saturday program and the show. This ride was not only for city residents, but also for drivers who were waiting for the official Saturday.

Saturday began for the team organizing the event very early in the morning, when tasks and preparations were divided into 200%. Everyone who had arms and legs helped. More and more trucks began to appear. We did not believe our eyes how many of them came!

At ten o’clock the gate opened to the public, and the action began to gain momentum. After greeting the guests, we began to organize a drive around Pilsen. It was amazing. So many large cars came out from one place at a time. When you realize why all these people are here, the whole body is shivering. Everyone came to support the little Kačenka, who came with her parents.

After returning from the ride, it was the most demanding in terms of organization, to put them all on an oval, flat stucco – but we did.

Meanwhile, the majorettes’ performance began on the stage and under the stage. The performance was appreciated and we thank all majarettes and their leaders for their participation. Especially that they also brought for Kačenka gifts in the form of money (which they collected among themselves), hand-painted paintings and other things.

Another point of the program was the performance of a punk band from Pilsen, Žblept. Those guys were with us for the first year of PTD, so they knew what was going on.

The music program was continued by another band from Pilsen: IFA, which you had the opportunity to hear on PTD2017. Both teams played without fees and we thank them very much – we appreciate your support.

Among the performances of the bands there were competitions for visitors led by Cvrček. You could take part in the jumping and bagging competitions of the tractor. The winners won nice prizes in the form of a gift bag with souvenirs.

This year, Zdeněk Radosta – the father of trucks meetings in the Czech Republic and the founder of the Truck Show Lužnice also honored us with his presence.

This year also firefighters came to show us their art, presenting how an injured person is getting out of a vehicle in a traffic accident. Viewers saw different techniques (from hydraulic rescue tools to small “window sweepers”) and learned the procedures. All this with exhaustive comments. We thank those pros from Pilsen for their participation and a beautiful show of their everyday work.

For health reasons, we were not able to see a demonstration of rescuers’ dogs this year.

The highlight of the evening was the Semtex band. The boys played new songs in addition to old hits and of course “Plzeňská věž”, which could not be missed. Thank you also for their participation and great performances.

Just before 10pm there was mass use of horns and lighting (flickering) of all trucks. It was a spectacle!

One of the organizers had an after-party – it was run by DJ Benny, just like last year.

We would like to thank everyone who came or took part in the event, especially to Kačenka’s parents, that they are exemplary parents and that they perfectly care for Kačenka!

We only want the best or her health, her life will be full of love, beautiful experiences and good people.


After the second year of the PTD, Petr Soukup decided to leave the implementation team.

Kačenka was sent a beautiful 47 112 CZK to her account.

Thanks to our wonderful fans, we managed to launch our small facebook project “miniauktion”. The fans gave us various items and we tried to bid them. The auction method was the same as for all auctions – the bid price and minimum rates were set. We are currently bidding these items and are still preparing more:

Item Price Total
dream trap “Mercedes” 750 CZK + 600 CZK Sponsor gift 1350 CZK
Turkish whistle 24V 3000 CZK + 500 CZK Sponsor gift 3500 CZK
dice “Scania” 5000 CZK 5000 CZK
black dice with numbers 1000 CZK + 5000 Sponsor gift 6000 CZK

The proceeds from this were sent to Kačenka’s account. Thank you very much to the donors and auctioneers and look forward to the next joint auction on a good case!

For the year 2018, thanks to you , we sent to Kačenka for her therapy and a daily need of beautiful 62,962 CZK! Thank you!

Photogallery HERE.